Sunday, 26 January 2014

Organization structure & design

The topic in week 2 is about organization structure . However , I search and wrote some information about this topic in last post . So , I will focus on the detail of organization structure and organization design in this post .
In recent years, matrix organization had become the main organization in the world . For example , One of most famous company in the world -- Citibank -- is matrix organization . Also , the organization of Citibank could be defined as committee organization . Further more , A chart had shown below .

In addition , there is another more detailed chart .

For example , the CEO (chief executive officer ) of Citigroup is Michael Corbat . However , this organization has other two main managers - Jamie Forese & Manuel Medina Mora . They have responsibility in the different part . Jamie is responsible for each institutional business . And Manuel  focus on the oversea global customer . In more detail parts , there are also have managers to cooperation. Moreover , other managers also have opportunities to giving the idea and opinion to them . The CEO of Citigroup claim that is a good way to develop the organization .

By contrast , the organization of Apple during the time of Steve Jobs is different with the Citigroup . Apple was very focus on Steve Jobs as the leader and he would make all of decisions in apple and most of ideas came from him . Some people had a con to Steve Jobs organization structure is that the company often encounters the bottleneck situations of having ideas that are sources only from the leader and what ever Steve Jobs tends to have a habits of only focusing on one product at a time too much that the disregards the other products .

Another things I want talk about is organization design and culture .
In terms of the organization design and culture ,  every organizations have their own style and culture. Nowadays , many international organizations' culture are more humanity . For example , Pixar A himation Studios which is my most favorite company in the world has a special culture and style .

There are many interesting leisure area , such as pool room , game area and football field . Moreover ,  it also has some facilities for relax , such as spa room. Further more , the organization provide many delicious food that from different countries to employees . There have many positive influences . Initially , that could increase the motivation of employees . In addition ,  it also will enhance the creativity of workers , because when people in a relax atmosphere , that is more easy to acquire a new idea .

In addition , other organizations and companies such as Apple and Google also have a particular staff welfare . For example , if employee pass away , his families also can gain a part about 60% of the salary . That will support their living .

Thus , it could be conclusion as that every organization should decision and choose which structure is better for them . Further more ,  they also need found their won culture .

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